Welcome to Arduino! Maybe you haven't used Arduino before, and you would like to know, What is Arduino?
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform which is designed around simple, user friendly hardware and software. The Arduino boards are the "brains" of the hardware - just like your computer is! Most Arduino boards aren't quite as powerful as your computer, but they are able to read inputs - temperature sensors, switches, or a intruder in your yard - and turn it into an output - turning on a fan motor, turning on a LED, or sending a notification to your smart phone using the many modules and shields available for interfacing with the boards. You can tell your board what to do by uploading a set of instructions to the micro controller on the board. To do this, you use the Arduino programming language (called C++), and the Arduino IDE.
Ever since Arduino was invented, it has been the "brain" of countless numbers of projects, from everyday ones to industrial controllers and data loggers. An immense community of fans - students, hobbyists, and professionals - have gathered around this open-source platform, and their vast amount of knowledge is available to you through multiple forums dedicated to helping you on your journey with Arduino.